Anna & Daniel

Pregnancy and Postnatal

Pregnancy, Baby and Postnatal Yoga

I am passionate about helping other mums to enjoy their pregnancy, birth and baby. When I fell pregnant with my daughter I was quite anxious about what would happen to my body and in particular the birth itself. Yoga and hypnobirthing with the original ZenMuma Jackie Heffer-Cooke completely shifted my outlook so that I looked forward to birthing my baby. Taking a little time out of your day to care for yourself and your baby is amazing, and having the opportunity to meet other mums-to-be is invaluable. I have two babies myself, so I know from experience the value of yoga and connection at the time of matrescence.

Classes include a sharing circle, meditation and breathwork, movement, and always a guided relaxation. The breathwork can help with preparing for labour, or postnatally it might help with recovery. Sessions are tailored to the stage of your motherhood journey and adapted to the needs of the group on the day.

I'm on my second batch (about 10 sessions) of pre-natal yoga classes with Amber and the experience has been truly life-changing. There is a strong sense of community in our class of expectant mums which has made a huge difference to my pregnancy, knowing each week you have time with other women going through the same changes as you is such a comfort, we even have a Pregnancy Alumni group chat and share updates alongside organising meet-ups when our babies are here.
The yoga itself is completely tailored to pregnant bodies so very safe, calming and soothing for the variety of aches and pains that crop up. At the start of each class we can choose to share how our weeks have gone, and that's when Amber will add in extra stretches to the class if somebody mentions a specific place of tension. Amber also includes breath work that is useful for labour, so I always finish the class feeling like I have more physical space for my baby but that I'm more prepared for labour.
Out of all the classes and courses I've taken during my pregnancy so far, these yoga classes have had the biggest positive impact on me and my baby. I would highly recommend joining, especially if you're a first-time mum like me. - R - Pregnancy Yoga

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